Thursday 3 January 2013

Sugar, the Bitter Truth. Robert Lustig M.D. -by Heather

The YouTube clip above is a lecture, its a long one (hour and a half), so this isn't something you can dip in and out of - however, it is excellent, and if you need the science without the sugar coating, this is the guy to debunk the myth for you. I asked my husband if he would watch this - and he did, the fact is he stayed the course and listened to the whole lecture, which for me is testimony to the quality of the whole thing.

We actually had a long conversation afterward, about food; what we eat, but more worryingly for us, what we had allowed our kids to get away with eating. Of late I have found myself cooking two meals side by side - and for parents who love their kids to bits - we have been serving them up a pile of crap.

I am going to talk about menus - and the problems I face (which I don't believe is very different from other parents out there) getting my kids to eat well.

For now this is the homework - listen to Dr Lustig.

He has books you may be interested in here: Fat Chance - the bitter truth about sugar and here:Pure White and Deadly (which was written by John Yudkin, who is dead now sadly, but Robert Lustig mentions this book in the lecture above and has written the intro to the newly released original which was written a long while back)

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