Monday, 17 June 2013

the 5:2 diet Heather

Well its the beginning of week 3, and today is a fast day for me.

The last two weeks have been characterised by fasting on a Monday and a Friday - they are by far the best days for me - I'm not entirely sure that you're supposed to stick to the same fast days, or whether they should be mixed up a bit - but I shall see.

For now, the Monday/Friday things works for me.

My none fast days have consisted of doing what the hell I like.

Going in to week 3 today, I have decided that in fairness I should show at least a little constraint during my none fasting days, but I wanted to get a handle on how the fast days felt and what difficulties I would need to over come - before concerning myself with the other 5!

In order to lose weight however, despite the calorie deficit experienced over the week by the partial fasting of 2 days, it is extremely easy to wreck that by over eating - or in my case over indulging, for the remainder of the week.

The fast days in retrospect aren't that difficult.
The fast days during, if you aren't madly busy, are a drudge - to my mind anyhow.

They aren't however, so bad or so unbearable, that I don't feel happy with what I am doing.

The benefits I have felt so far are:

I have banned bloat.
I 'feel' lighter somehow on the inside - I know that sounds weird, but it is a feeling overall that I am experiencing rather than the scales necessarily.
It makes me feel energetic and happy - its also nice not to dread deciding what clothes to wear, when I am feeling lighter and less swollen.

I have mentioned before, I hate being a slave to scales. I also think the scales I do have are old and knackered - and I'm not in a rush exactly to buy a new set! So I'm not tracking my weight.

I ought to for purely scientific results, I realise - but I just can't be bothered - I don't care enough, what the needle is saying. Much better, that I keep on feeling good.

However, the aim has always been to truly lose weight, rather than just feeling lighter - and so my next plan is to be mindful when eating on my non diet days. I don't want to do the calorie tracking....the whole notion for Katy and I was get away from being a slave to these things. And so I'm sticking to my guns.

However, I haven't totally wandered off the sugar & crappy carbs no go area for me - and so when I am being 'mindful' - these are the areas I will be looking to curb.

I will say, some days the fast is more easily accomplished than others.

Last Monday was difficult for me - I was hungry all day - and I couldn't wait for the day to finally be over for me. Last Friday was wholly easier; I was busier generally, and didn't have time on my hands

You cannot make every day busy and bustling - very many of my days are spent doing routine, sedentary stuff - all of which will make the fast days seem more demanding.

However overall, the two fast days truly aren't that onerous - so if I can managed to get some real weight loss out of this approach; I would be something of a fan. But that weight loss I don't think will happen wholly with a restrictive 2 day diet - not for me any how.

I'll keep you posted

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