Saturday, 29 June 2013

New Heather

Oh yes - they have arrived.

New, sleek, stylish, slim, chic........... all the things I'm not!

I'm 7lbs heavier than I was yesterday, on these babies! - What?????

I daren't even look at the fat ratio programme available.

I feel like devouring a shop's shelf - worth of 'Double Deckers' for comfort!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, 28 June 2013

Here we go again...... by Heather

This week I broke our old scales. - I dropped them, and the guts fell out. I was doing them a kindness by putting them in the bin.

I hedged a bit, but eventually gave in and bought a new set, which will arrive tomorrow. These however all but deliver your breakfast - so as of tomorrow, I'll know exactly how fat I am!

And I still am.

According to my BMI, not the best measure by all accounts, but it is touted about readily enough - I am officially classified as 'overweight'.

4 weeks of 5:2 fast dieting, and whilst I feel a massive amount better in myself, for whatever the reason on this diet, and I do - I'm not any noticeably thinner - either in clothes or on those old trusty scales.

Having over hauled the figures earlier in the week, and decided that I needed to be careful on those pesky non fast days - I realised that I had inexorably fallen back to calorie counting. AND I DON'T WANT TO COUNT CALS!

I found I was debating with myself on whether 3.500 kcals really did equate to 1lb of body fat and whether I needed to factor that in to my overall approach to the 5:2 diet - when I suddenly pulled myself up short. Heather! For God's sake, pack it in already!!!!

In reviewing my 5:2 performance to date, and looking at what people were saying on several forums dedicated to the thing - I realised that whilst some  folk enjoyed success, there were others, like me, for whom it seemed less automatic and straight forward.

I intend to keep to my fasting days - because as I've said before, I am finding them beneficial - my stomach feels rested and I feel comfortable in myself  for doing it - even if it doesn't deliver anything more than that - it really does feel worthwhile.

Whilst researching the claims of the fast diet,  I came across Zoe Harcombe - a nutritionist, who has her own dieting approach. Something akin to Atkins come food combining.

Well, I'm pretty au fait with food combining of old - having been an undiagnosed coeliac for years and years - you sadly find yourself having trialed many weird and wonderful dietary fads, for some relief, before the actual diagnosis is made - and during those dark gluten ravaged days, I steadfastly tried to food combine. Clearly it didn't help the undetected gluten issues, but there were benefits.

Zoe's approach has you not combining any fats with carbs in the same meal.

On Googling the meal relationship between eating fats with carbs, I came to realise this is something that isn't unique to Zoe. It wasn't however something I had ever come across.

Just because I love an experiment and because I feel ok in myself and don't mind the challenge - I have decided on a something of a hybrid -

a) continue to fast for days per week
b) go back to a real reduction in carbs
c) stick to reducing my sugar content as much as possible
d) look at how those meals that are carb loaded react with fats and look at changing that

So once again - the search is one.

Monday, 24 June 2013

I Give Up.... By Katy

Ok...not really...but honestly...I am not motivated to DO anything right now.

I am in a slump of the largest proportion...not 'depressed' just unmotivated, not lazy, just bored.  How does that sound?  Not good, even to me!

I know only "I" can shake things up...I feel at a loss - daughter and boyfriend out of town/country...not that I expect them to 'do' anything about it either, maybe an excuse of sorts.  I need a life of interests and fun and learning and trying things. I feel unfulfilled otherwise!  I seem to be stuck in mode of feeling a bit of a 'hesitant' ...maybe more so that I'm getting older.  Meaning I have an idea...and then I hesitate or talk myself out of it.  It sucks, quite frankly.  I do watch others out 'doing' things, and I have to say..much of it I don't even care to do! But that's their thing and aat least they are doing it!  Meaning I beat to a different drummer...I don't 'party' or do clubs, don't need lots of 'socializing' type events.   I feel like a minority in the things I enjoy and not sure where to find some outlets that do it for me!  I tend to me more of a loner but still enjoy time with family, friends and feeling part of something.  Which is why I've always enjoyed volunteering in the past. 

Country settings, gardens, farm/barn animals, horses, fishing, fresh air..beaches...I literally CRAVE all of these things of late.  I live in a nice suburb...not all concrete..plenty of parks nearby..but it's not the same. I rent an upper flat and can't even garden.   I have asked numerous family, friends, acquaintances over the past month...'where can I go/do volunteer or learn from someone who does some of this?'  I mostly get blank looks...a few have offered suggestions, one
lady even had some women call me who has a small farm and is overwhelmed...but when she called me she said she is really looking to find volunteers to help with stray cats at the humane society!  WTF? lol  If I wanted to help stray pets I would do it!  I DO know where to go for that.  And yes, any pet I've had has been a rescue animal...I just want something DIFFERENT. 

Who knows...?  Maybe I'll hate it...but it's feeling the frustration of not even being able to try!  And I know there's a part of me that feels awkward going somewhere alone.  But if the right opportunity presented itself, I'd go hesitant or not.  Heather is probably laughing over there as her life has been one of outdoors, country living, animals, land maintenance etc. Lots of work, I know, but it can be satisfying and physical...both things I seem to be wanting at the moment.

So I will keep on eating healthier...I am still doing well in that regard at least 5 days a for fasting...I know it can help, with maintaining or losing weight...I did it in my younger years, and actually realize the benefits it gives to the body not having to waste energy on digesting food all day.  I haven't ruled it out..but I think for me I am still wanting to feel more productive and interested in something that just plain feels good. I know feeling more excited about life makes any endeavor seem easier and more do-able..hence my not motivated with the aspect of any kind of dieting. 

This is turning out to more of a personal quest than anything else....wouldn't it be nice if I got 'busy' enjoying life more and the weight just started coming off and that I'd be too busy to think about food as much? would be nice.

The Okinawa Heather

I could ostensibly live to 100 if I were to follow a largely Japanese diet - the Okinawa Diet.

By all accounts, a diet rich high in soya, fish, seaweeds and local veg - bitter cucumber, sweet potatoes and whole grains.

Not much sugar, salt or saturated fat, for sure.

Sadly though, there isn't  much on the menu that I actually fancy  - seaweed, squid and tofu - I'd struggle. And suddenly, that 100 year stretch seems more like a life sentence for having done something most foul.

Friday, 21 June 2013

View from a fasting Heather

Today is Friday
And today is a 500 cal fasting day for me.

As I'm sat here now, this evening - I've eaten all my calories for the day. I would in honesty like to be munching on something nice right now - but I can't say that I'm especially hungry.

I just feel that evening need to graze.

Today hasn't been particularly hard. Not at all. Except when, before having eaten my own meagre fayre, I had to prepare the kids evening meal - I cast envious eyes over their plates, and the smell of the food was distracting. But that's all.

So it's going to be a bit of a tormenting evening - everyone has gone out, and there is nothing distracting on TV -  I feel a 'Pride and Prejudice - a- thon' calling me to the DVD player. It's not all bad then!

And after the mathematics lesson of yesterday, I am armed in the knowledge that for the rest of my week - whilst not exactly in a starvation mode - I will be mindful of the fact that I should be keeping to a steady-ish 1600 per day.

Resolve - newly strengthened I feel :-))

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Semantics and Heather

2 Fasting days
5 Normal days


Even I can't do much wrong with only 500 calories to play with on my fasting days.
But what about those pesky normal days?

And the devil is pretty much in the detail as usual.

Because call it plain old semantic pinickery if you like - but the point I think I have been deliberately misinterpreting is the difference between what I'm reading - 'Eat whatever you like' and what I'm actually doing - 'Eat as much as you like'.

I am not an adherent to 'calories in equals calories out' - I think it is more subtle than that.
Nor do I like being stopped - call me childish, but as soon as I tell myself 'no' - then I want, want, want, want. I can be quite appalled at my own lack of self control.

Part of the joy of the fasting concept was not having to record anything there after. Result.

Get a grip woman - that isn't what its saying!

What I know about myself.
1) I'm not losing enough weight
2) I know that in order to lose weight two things need to happen - a) I eat no more than 1300 calories a day (which is a real chore for me and has no longevity to it) and b) part of that calorie reduction needs to happen in carbs (something I agree with but find difficult to stick with all the time)

The maths of the 5:2 diet.

All the articles I have read about calorie controlled diets, suggest I should be able to lose weight on 1500 per day, but that has never happened for me. I have juggled the figures, but only get a result when I remain on or under 1300 - and even then the weight loss is steady and slow, not drastic at all.

So take the 1300 cals per day that I know will result in weight loss and multiply it by 7 (days per week) = 9100 cals per week.
 - minus off the 500 x 2  calories for my 2 fast days leaves me with 8100 for 5 days.
8100/5 days - leaves me with 1620 calories per non fast day.

Any more than that and I'm still not going to lose weight am I?

Its likely I will still enjoy most of the health benefits of the actual fasting process - but not my personal goal of real weight loss.

So what does 1620 calories look like for me?
Remember, I seriously can't be doing with weighing and recording like a slave - I hate it.

Take today so far - a completely un-thought through eating experience.

Breakfast total 244kcals - about 50g of Alpen muesli 176 cals; about 100ml whole milk 62 cals; 1 mug of Assam tea with whole milk no sugar c.6cals.

Mid morning snack total 322kcals -  2 mugs of instant coffee with semi skimmed milk no sugar 82 cals; Coop Truly Irresistable (and it is) chocolate and coconut yogurt 240cals (shit!)

Lunch total 570 kcals - Uncle Ben's express Mexican style rice (250g) 390cals. Pkt of  Cadbury Freddo Faces 180cals ( I acknowledge that this is a pretty crummy meal full of rubbish, but I was late this morning and this was as good as I could manage - lame I know)

eek - this only leaves me 484kcals  for the remainder of my day - and in honesty, whilst I don't feel hungry, I certainly don't feel nicely stuffed either!!

This evening I have planned - pork stir fry with pinapple and tomatoes in a honey sauce with whole grain & wild rice and  to round it off, a very nice gluten free apple & rhubarb crumble with cream  (custard for the rest of the family - their choice), because my youngest has a music exam today and I wanted to make something he really likes as a treat

But it hardly takes Einstein to work out that I'm likely to  exceed my remaining calories for today just inhaling the aroma's of tonight's planned meal.


Clearly, its not all semantics is it?

I think that this bit of the 5:2 diet really needs to be rammed home to be honest. The whole emphasis is on what to do for the fast days, Mimi Spencer even has a cook book solely for the fasting days - but the real work is clearly in managing the non fasting days .

1620kcals I suppose are quite generous in the world of diets - but it is so easy to suck up calories unheeded.

I realise that today's diet could and should be reconstructed  to accomodate the right balance of calories - but that isn't the point - the point is I want to eat un-heeding, un-charting, unconcerned.

And that isn't going to happen in a month of Sundays if I'm serious about shifting the flab!!!!!!!

I like this 5:2 diet. And I can easily live within 1620 cals per day. And there is no getting around it - diet is a fandagle way of saying - plan and restrict!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, 17 June 2013

the 5:2 diet Heather

Well its the beginning of week 3, and today is a fast day for me.

The last two weeks have been characterised by fasting on a Monday and a Friday - they are by far the best days for me - I'm not entirely sure that you're supposed to stick to the same fast days, or whether they should be mixed up a bit - but I shall see.

For now, the Monday/Friday things works for me.

My none fast days have consisted of doing what the hell I like.

Going in to week 3 today, I have decided that in fairness I should show at least a little constraint during my none fasting days, but I wanted to get a handle on how the fast days felt and what difficulties I would need to over come - before concerning myself with the other 5!

In order to lose weight however, despite the calorie deficit experienced over the week by the partial fasting of 2 days, it is extremely easy to wreck that by over eating - or in my case over indulging, for the remainder of the week.

The fast days in retrospect aren't that difficult.
The fast days during, if you aren't madly busy, are a drudge - to my mind anyhow.

They aren't however, so bad or so unbearable, that I don't feel happy with what I am doing.

The benefits I have felt so far are:

I have banned bloat.
I 'feel' lighter somehow on the inside - I know that sounds weird, but it is a feeling overall that I am experiencing rather than the scales necessarily.
It makes me feel energetic and happy - its also nice not to dread deciding what clothes to wear, when I am feeling lighter and less swollen.

I have mentioned before, I hate being a slave to scales. I also think the scales I do have are old and knackered - and I'm not in a rush exactly to buy a new set! So I'm not tracking my weight.

I ought to for purely scientific results, I realise - but I just can't be bothered - I don't care enough, what the needle is saying. Much better, that I keep on feeling good.

However, the aim has always been to truly lose weight, rather than just feeling lighter - and so my next plan is to be mindful when eating on my non diet days. I don't want to do the calorie tracking....the whole notion for Katy and I was get away from being a slave to these things. And so I'm sticking to my guns.

However, I haven't totally wandered off the sugar & crappy carbs no go area for me - and so when I am being 'mindful' - these are the areas I will be looking to curb.

I will say, some days the fast is more easily accomplished than others.

Last Monday was difficult for me - I was hungry all day - and I couldn't wait for the day to finally be over for me. Last Friday was wholly easier; I was busier generally, and didn't have time on my hands

You cannot make every day busy and bustling - very many of my days are spent doing routine, sedentary stuff - all of which will make the fast days seem more demanding.

However overall, the two fast days truly aren't that onerous - so if I can managed to get some real weight loss out of this approach; I would be something of a fan. But that weight loss I don't think will happen wholly with a restrictive 2 day diet - not for me any how.

I'll keep you posted

Friday, 7 June 2013

Completing my 2nd fasting Heather

I've just eaten my little evening meal, generally I have found today really easy - I have had a hectic, run all over the place kind of day which makes it so much easier all round - there was not time to think about food or the lack of it.

Now however, I have the evening in front of me without anything else to eat. And generally that isn't such a difficult prospect, except my family are making certain murmurs about nipping to the shop for chocolate supplies - that will hurt a bit!

But generally, the fasting days truly aren't anything terrible - so the gig now is to just stick with it.

I've nudged Katy in to thinking about giving it a go - but so far she has resisted the offer.

And I'm not exactly surprised.

Today I was back at the dentist - getting a crown moulded. Exciting stuff hey!

Whilst waiting I was leafing through the mags as you do - and came across Beyond Chocolate.

Completely agree with much of what I have read on my quick perusal - and I'm wondering if the message in this wouldn't resonate with Katy, as I know it is much more in keeping with her holistic mindful approach.

If you're fed up with the yo yo, the never ending roundabout, going no where - then take a look at the Beyond chocolate fairies.

Because being happy in the skin you're in, is very much more important than just having less flesh - allegedly!

Saturday, 1 June 2013

More Re-Thinking - by Katy

Alrighty!  I've re-appeared!  But this last post from Heather rings a bell with me!   Frankly when I think about it, it's how I've always maintained my weight!  (before gaining past few yrs).  I would be busy and occupied, sure I'd be hungry and I'd eat...but 'food' and calories and worry about 'weight' was never on my radar!  And since I found myself too busy at certain times to snack or overeat, I rarely gained weight!  I would end up skipping the typical idea of when 'meal times' were supposed to be and just eat when hungry not because it was 'time'.  So in a manner of speaking I was fasting without giving it much thought.  Not starving myself, just delaying or omitting some of the 'regular' ideas of when or how much to eat.

I have to wonder how much of my mindset has contributed as much as hormones etc.  My 'thoughts' about 'being sedentary' with my current job of 4 yrs has weighed me down with that type of thinking - literally! 

I had read this recent article which just shows how our minds 'work' in so many situations similar to what I'm talking about!  Meaning my perception of my 'sitting all day' at work has not worked to my benefit with weight loss!  See what I mean:

A recent study by Harvard psychologist Ellen Langer seems to challenge our basic assumptions about the relationship of the body and the mind.  Langer is a researcher who has published several important studies. In this study, she decided to look at whether our perception of how much exercise we are getting has any affect on how our bodies actually look.  To do this she studied hotel maids.  AS any casual observer of the hospitality industry knows, hotel maids spend the majority of their days lugging heavy equipment around endless hallways.  Basically, almost every moment of their working days is spent in some kind of physical activity.  

But Langer found that most of these women do not see themselves as physically active. She did a survey and found that 67 percent reported that they didn't exercise. More than one-third of those reported they didn't exercise AT ALL.  "Given that they are exercising all day long," Langer says, "that just seemed bizarre."  

What was even more bizarre, she says, was that, despite the fact that all of the women in her study far exceeded the US surgeon general's recommendation for daily exercise, the bodies of the women did not seem to benefit from their activity. 

Langer and her team measured the maids' body fat, waist-to-hip ratio, blood pressure, weight and body mass index.  They found all of these indicators matched the maids' perceived amount of exercise, rather than their actual amount of exercise.  

So Langer set about changing perceptions.  She divided 84 maids into two groups. With one group, researchers carefully went through each of the tasks they did each day, explaining how many calories those tasks burned.  They were informed that the activity already met the surgeon general's definition of an active lifestyle.  The other group was given no information at all.  

One month later, Langer and her team returned to take physical measurements of the women and were surprised by what they found.  In the group that had been educated, there was a decrease in their systolic blood pressure, weight and waist-to-hip ratio--and a 10 percent drop on blood pressure.  It appeared the mind has assisted in their changes.

Time to start re-arranging our beliefs?  I'm working on mine, so thank you Heather for giving me something to think about...or in this case, to remember! ☺

Revising the Plan Heather

Ok its been nearly 6 months since I set my stall out to lose some weight - not just a few lbs but serious in roads, obvious weight loss that leaves me feeling happier in my clothes.

Belatedly, summer appears to be arriving to the British Isles - hoo bloody ray!! Oh wait, what the hell am I supposed to wear now?

Because I have had some success in following a plan of no sugar and reduced carbs, but not enough -  the crux of this is that when I say 'follow', what I mean to add on to that is the teeny little corollary - in principle.

Because unlike Dr Peter Attia on the Eating Academy, I have struggled with it. Not the principles, but the drudgery. As a coeliac, I can't do gluten anyway so you would have thought I would have found it more acceptable - but it always left me with what Gwyneth Paltrow described as 'that specific hunger' - something I wouldn't have understood had I not been trying to live it these last few months.

Gwyneth is right, it leaves you wanting. And some days I just caved. In fact, once the cave in came, I found myself unable to stop. So yes, I have had some limited success - but in order to  get success such I was wanting - I realise unless I do something quite drastic, I am doomed to failure.

In fairness, I want to shout from the roof tops the successes I have had - I and the rest of the family have massively reduced our sugar content - and this I intend to be a continued focus, because for its health benefits alone - losing the sugar is something we will continue to strive for wholeheartedly.

But what of the carbs?  Well our success has been in our happy transition from white to brown - but potatoes, rice and pasta remain such a firm family staple that there is no getting us away from it - and as I hinted at the other week when I posted about the family, eating as a family; I was undone by the need to cook separate meals for myself, or to try and impose impossible standards on the rest of the family. So the carbs it appears are here to stay.

So where exactly does that leave me?

Well a few weeks ago I mentioned in a post that Katy might find the new 'Fast Diet' worth a second look, because she too has struggled with the diet.

And in writing of it, I found myself looking at it more keenly. Today I intend to go to WHSmith and buy the book - for my weekend reading, in the sunshine!

I know the basic principles - 5 days eating normally, 2 days of mini fasting - not wholly fasting (and that was a massive plus). If it suggested no food at all for 2 days, I wouldn't be that enthusiastic.

As karma would have it, a couple of weeks ago I had to have a back molar extracted. That necessitated not eating anything at all after my breakfast, nor drinking - it was a bit of a dental drama. But what struck me that day, was that after having had breakfast, I didn't particularly struggle without any more food, knowing it was only for the day; and it was this that got me thinking further about intermittent fasting.

Yesterday, I decided to do a mini experiment - breakfast as normal - muesli; and apart from one coffee I stuck to herbal teas,  until quite late on I had a very small meal in the evening. This wasn't a particularly well thought out experiment to be honest - the late meal last night came from having to take youngest child to a cricket match that went on for an absolute age - and it was gone 9pm when we all came home ravenous. Normally it wouldn't be that late - but even so, apart from a brief pang whilst preparing the family lunch  - I  honestly didn't particularly stuggle.

Reading between the lines, I noticed that Dr Michael Mosley, says that this diet suits the badly overweight/obese very well - does that mean that it only has results for those with very much weight to lose? I don't know. I'm not obese - but there is no deluding myself, there is real weight to shift - and if it works for Hugh Fearnely-Whittingstall - then I'm in for a shout surely.

So here goes........