Sunday, 5 May 2013

Fast Heather

Well if it works for Phillip Schofield!!

Actually, I don't see day time TV, so couldn't say directly - but from photos, I actually can't see a difference in him. But then, HFW also says its a cinch and works for him too.

I am committed to the notion that its not necessarily 'how much' but 'what' you digest that makes a difference - you can't argue the science of what sugar does to you.

But the 5:2 ratio of this diet schedule seems to me to be very persuasive - the 2 'fasting' days, aren't even proper fasting are they? - 300kcal breakfast and then a 200kcal dinner - with nothing at all between 7am and 7pm. I've gone longer waiting for a fasting blood test!

Its do-able, I see that. And I can see the attraction to it.

I know Katy is still looking for a programme she can live with - maybe this one could be worthy of her appraisal

I'll ask her.

Michael Moseley's Fast Diet

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