Lots of adjustments this past week or so. My wonderful daughter moved to NYC last week and I've had to work on how this feels. I am so pleased and proud of her - don't know if I could have done it at her age! And at the same time I miss our easy access to one another being in the same city. My boyfriend is also away and gearing up for an overseas stint in the middle east, so between both adjustments my heartstrings seem stretched more than normal. And yet I have found ways to soothe myself and know that all is well. Thankfully Heather has been a solid support for me as she always is! ☺
Well as in my last post I was hoping some motivation would strike and I'd get a routine going walking in my new sneakers! So far I can say I've been out 4 times this week. Granted it has been relatively decent outside...one morning a bit colder than I thought but I mustered through!
Aside from just feeling good moving my normally sedentary butt, I am very much enjoying the silence in the early morning. I am out before 7am as after that the neighborhood wakes up with dog walkers and kids walking to school. I LOVE the silence - (however can appreciate a busier morning walk as well). What I have come to notice are the birds. I love birds-nature, streams, trees, animals,
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My street, view from corner |
flowers - you name it. But I am focused on the birds when I walk and they don't disappoint. I have seen a Robin in the same tree on the same high branch, singing a similar tune a couple times already...must be HIS morning routine as well. :) Since I do walk at a quick pace I do work up a sweat by the time I round the corner - so I at least feel some difference. THANKFULLY my shoes have kept me pain free on these shorter walks, and I'm hoping it continues.
My diet has improved during this time as well - not going into detail as I'm still fine-tuning it all, but more planning has helped - I have a ways to go! Overall I just feel better about feeling productive towards something positive and getting healthier emotionally & physically at the same time. Empowering!
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