Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Spirit of Heather

October 2014

Well there is no doubt about it. Katy and I are pretty bad bloggers, almost as bad as we are weight loss campaigners.

We are failing.

But, we are failing with flair.

Because fattening and middle aged we may be - but done for? No we are not. Far from it.

We are I suppose either weak willed eating machines or victim to our hormones and age - maybe something of both - but whilst we haven't blogged of late, we have continued to live our kindred life-line; two souls, an Atlantic away from each other - yet strangely symbiotic. Divided by culture and even personality - we don't look or act the same - and often we look at something from very different directions. But the fact remains we are looking at the same thing, at the same time - and we know, almost telepathically, that the other, has reached the same point of reference in our life journey.

It's weird that someone so removed, so distant can be the person so close. And it has always been that way, right from our very first virtual 'hello',

Both of us are still fed up about weight gain - but we are finding that whilst our angst hasn't lessened exactly, we are approaching it from a different direction - our outlook has widened outwards in to how we interact with our world, and how we calm the inner storm - we are searching peace in our world, and if we can't look sveldt while we are doing it, then at least we can learn to be at peace with our new found selves, and maybe even start to like ourselves a teeny bit more.

This has been slowly unwinding for us; and as with everything, our approach to the same quest has taken slightly different path - Katy seems to be reaching outwards - and she is finding new positive energy whilst I seem more introspective and meditative.

Whatever it is - I am liking these new Heather and Katy approaches - and we will be sharing our thoughts more regularly, because there does appear to be a real spirit of change in the air.

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