Sunday, 11 August 2013

Exercise regime Heather

You could be forgiven for thinking that I am all about diet and weight loss - certainly since Christmas that has been my sincerest wish - lose some weight, it's now almost a mantra with me. And in honesty I have had sporadic successes.

I recently went for a hospital medical check up - I have to have them at least quarterly to monitor my dodgy thyroid - and they weigh me every time. The nurse this time commented that I had lost weight - yes I agreed but secretly I was still unsatisfied - I wanted more.

However it has occurred to me of late, that I have been too focused on the weight loss - some of it has been deliberate. I haven't really felt very ready for exercise. But as of now, this feels somewhat changed.

Katy and I have long been keen to address the other issues - exercise being one keystone and overall mental well being a very close second.

I know that I have neglected both of these facets and the change in thinking is way overdue.

I mentioned my thyroid - and the effect of having a massive problem with hyperthyroidism has been the complete loss of muscle strength the disease wreaks on a body; especially eroding the thigh and upper arm muscles. The road to recovery has taken a long 18months of medication - and only now am I feeling ready to start exercising again. I tinkered with it more than 10 months ago - but it was too soon I realised. But I genuinely feel much stronger now - and ready to move the booty.

But what to do? It's not like I can just take up from where I left off 2 years ago - I have been severely punished by this disease and it isn't a simple case of strapping on the trainers and off I go!

So I have spent some time thinking about what I could do.

It's so easy to be carried away by the summer weather and light nights - something that won't last here in the UK for very much longer.

I decided not to worry too much about the weather or the light. Just enjoy the fact we have both right now - and try my hand at something, anything. But......

I don't like going to a gym
I'm not keen on swimming
I can't run.
I don't fancy any team sports
and nor do I want to join in a group of any sort - I meet enough people at work - I want my own space

I decided I wanted to do something I liked, enjoyed - rather than choosing an activity because that is what I'm supposed to do.

So I have chosen to a) cycle. I have a bicycle and I like gentle cycling - and I live in rural Leicestershire - its almost a crime not to be out and about to be honest!

b) Walking. That's gentle rambles rather than hiking or hill walking at this stage.

c) My old fave - Yoga. I bought in to the online course Yogaglo not so long ago. I have been very hit and miss with it- but this week, that is to be remedied.

This weekend I accomplished an 8mile cycle and a 3 mile ramble. I realise that's not breaking any records, but as starts go - its been lovely.

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