Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Whats in a number anyway.....by Heather

I am not getting on the scales.

The sun has come out here in the UK at long last - and that means lighter, skimpier, more revealing clothing. No more hiding behind baggy knits and coats

And today, for the first time it really did come home to me that what the scales say are largely irrelevant.

Because my goal isn't about where the needle ends up - but how well I wear my trousers and how I'm feeling!

Obviously, the one clearly correlates to the other; but feeling bad that the needle isn't where I'd like it to be, is a sure way to put a dampner on a day that has hardly even begun.

But walking out in to the sun - feeling confident - it's the way to be. So those scales can collect dust.

I'm going out each morning with a smile on my face.

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Fast Diet...by Heather

Well if it works for Phillip Schofield!!

Actually, I don't see day time TV, so couldn't say directly - but from photos, I actually can't see a difference in him. But then, HFW also says its a cinch and works for him too.

I am committed to the notion that its not necessarily 'how much' but 'what' you digest that makes a difference - you can't argue the science of what sugar does to you.

But the 5:2 ratio of this diet schedule seems to me to be very persuasive - the 2 'fasting' days, aren't even proper fasting are they? - 300kcal breakfast and then a 200kcal dinner - with nothing at all between 7am and 7pm. I've gone longer waiting for a fasting blood test!

Its do-able, I see that. And I can see the attraction to it.

I know Katy is still looking for a programme she can live with - maybe this one could be worthy of her appraisal

I'll ask her.

Michael Moseley's Fast Diet