Monday, 21 January 2013

Slow Heather

Slow Progress. Ummm.

Neither Katy nor I are fond of the scales - but I have stepped on them intermittently since the New Year to find generally, my weight loss is small  and slow. But it is a loss. I said in the New Year, that I could feel weight piling on, and I honestly could, it was unnerving; but in a wave of positivity, I am happy to say that this is not the case now.

I am holding my own.

I feel lighter, no bloat going on and I am feeling less headachey, less irritable and actually, yes more energetic. I am finding myself missing the sugar much much less. This is actually a BIG thing for me - its big enough for me that in honesty, I should be raving from the rafters - I would never have thought I could lose the craving - but as I sit here and think on it, I really have. I like it. But don't feel I need it.

But the weight, on the scales, is very much still there -  I was aware when I started this journey, it wasn't going to be easy. My consultant had already told me that my medication may cause some weight gain. Forum's on the web I have found, show me that many women, following the same route, have also lumped on weight - in fairness, I am actually something of a steaming success in comparison to their tales of weighty woe.

But I'm not going to be a poster girl for lbs lost on anyones wall yet.

Slow progess too in the digestive transition stakes. This is a topic I'm not terribly familiar with and something I am more happy leaving Katy, the herbalist to tackle. But it is causing me difficulty - and this is I know exacerbated by my being a coeliac.

You see Katy is the natural healer of this outfit - and I'm the natural medical disaster!!

I have gone to some lengths this weekend to tackle the slow transit problem - and I might encourage Katy to talk about natural alternatives she has steered her clients toward.

If all improves, I will talk more about the initiatives I have employed - I have spent some time checking over menus to improve the fibre content of my diet whilst not compromising on the reduction in carbohydrates I am working with.

The holy grail it may be, but I want something that means I don't suffer cramping or colic; that doesn't give me drastic urges to go at anytime day or night and  doesn't irritate that fine balance I have that can throw me the 'other way'!

First and easiest remedy - water. Personally I really struggle to drink the stuff, stupid as it sounds. I have no idea why, I used to love and only drink water when I was a kid - so why I am water averse now, I don't understand.  So that really has to be my first port of call - that, and moving around. But much more about that next time.

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