Monday, 18 February 2013 Heather

Well I haven't posted in a goodly while thanks to a particularly nasty viral infection which left me with Bronchitis.

3 weeks later and I still have the remnants of that cough!

The up side is - for the first time in over 3 weeks, I feel I have my energy back, so much so I am contemplating starting up my yoga practice again - something I haven't done now for a month.

The down side is - that for the last 3 weeks, I haven't been exactly true to my eating goal - in part because I had to be grateful for whatever the family were prepared to make, and when I was feeling better, I still only had the energy to grab whatever was easiest in the cupboard.

The illness didn't affect my appetite, just my ability to even think about venturing in to the kitchen.

Just prior to the illness, I would have been able to report that I had lost nearly half a stone - 7lbs. I'm not convinced that is still the case - but its ok.

My eldest son came home from Uni just for the weekend, just past. And he hasn't seen me since Christmas - and he wasn't aware of my eating amendments - the first thing he said to me was, Mum you're looking great - you've lost some weight.

Someone pay that boy!!!

The interesting thing about this, is that actual weight loss, measured on the scales, has been slow and laborious - but my son said he could see a definite change to my middle section and legs.

It was nice to hear it from that perspective, because I was pretty sure there was a difference to see - not that anyone else is really looking that closely, and because, weather wise we have all been swaddled up looking padded anyway.

So the virus was nasty - but thankfully now its gone.
And today - my diet is back where it is supposed to be.

My issue, strangely wasn't with the sugar per se (except when hubby decided to use up eggs whites he didn't need having made homemade custard, and proceeded to make the most delicious meringue as well. Epic fail!) - but the carbs - everyone resorts to carbs.

Still I don't mind slipping off the wagon occasionally, when I can make the jump back on again - and that is where I am at today.

Its nice to be better too.